Showing posts with label Colton Industries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colton Industries. Show all posts

Float and Thermostatic Steam Traps

Float and thermostatic steam trap
Float and Thermostatic Steam Trap
Courtesy Colton Industries
Steam traps are found on almost every steam system in commercial and industrial sites. The trap is a self-contained automatic valve that allows condensate to drain from a steam containing system, while retaining the steam within the system. Non-condensible gases can also be removed by a steam trap with a thermostatically controlled port.

Steam based heating relies on the delivery of the latent heat of the steam to a heat exchanger or piece of utilization equipment. Once the latent heat is delivered, condensate (basically hot water) forms. The condensate contains no latent heat and provides comparatively little value as a heat source. Utilization equipment and heat exchangers have their performance predicated upon a supply of steam, not hot water. A properly selected steam trap will remove condensate across a range of steam utilization rates, keeping the system operating at the rated capacity.

The steam trap routes the condensate out of the steam containing portion of the system, often on a return trip to the boiler. Cycling the condensate back through the system for re-boiling contributes greatly to steam system energy efficiency. Condensate removal is accomplished with a float. Non-condensible gases are vented through a thermostatically controlled port on the unit.

More details on steam traps are included below. Share your steam system challenges with a product specialist, combining your facility and process knowledge with their product application expertise to develop effective solutions.

Foot Valves: Basic, Hidden, Essential

industrial valve foot valve suction valve
Foot valve showing inlet filter screen
Colton Industries
A foot valve is a purpose specific check valve. Designed for immersion in a well, tank, or other liquid containing vessel, it serves as a one-way inlet valve on piping leading to the suction side of a pump. Foot valves and their connected piping will extend downward from the pump suction elevation. The purpose of the valve is to maintain prime on the pump by preventing the water column in the suction line from collapsing, due to gravity, and draining all the liquid from the suction side of the pump system.

For industrial applications, there are numerous versions of foot valves available in varying sizes, capacities and materials of construction. The function of the valve is simple, so the key selection criteria can be focused on features that will contribute to longevity and reduce or eliminate any maintenance burden.

The data sheet below provides some good illustrations of a foot valve and how it is installed. Share your fluid processing and control challenges with application experts, combining your process and facility knowledge with their product application expertise to develop effective solutions.